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Mom you're like an Angel
Sent from up above,
With all your kindness, tenderness
And everlasting Love.

You have always looked after me
And taught me right from wrong,
And when I'm down or worried
It's always you that comes along.

You're not just Mom but a friend of mine
A friend I can't replace,
And every time I think of you
All I see is your smiling face.

I thank you Mom for bearing me
And allowing me to see these times,
Because if it wasn't for you dear Mother
I could never write down these lines.


What a Dad will do for his daughter is rock his sick baby girl
until the sun peeks through the darkness
letting him know the night of worry is over.
He will take her small hand in his and walk slowly as she takes her first
walk to the ice cream shop to share a cone full of heaven on earth.
He will sip from the tiny tea cup she has set in front of him
and in harmony with the stuffed animals carefully placed in their seats
he will sing the praises of her great hospitality.
He will sit through dance recitals and fashion shows
where he is the only audience
and will clap with the enthusiasm of a thousand people.
He will take her fishing and play soccer,
and introduce her to the world outside
as if just experiencing it for the first time himself.
Perhaps he is.
He will sit with her through sweat and tears over homework
that was supposed to be turned in the day before
and he'll smile as they finish, seeing her relief.
He will place a firm hand on the shoulder of the young man that comes
to take her to the school dance
silently letting him know where he stands and what he expects.
He will watch with overflowing pride as his young lady
accepts her high school diploma
and will silently pray to God to calm his fears
and get him throughout the day.
He will be full of conversation and more than happy to listen
when she calls home now and then.
Even when the game of the year is on.
He will gently fold her arm around his
and with all the courage and faith he can hold onto
he will stroll down the aisle,
giving her hand but keeping her youth.
He will be the first one in the maternity ward ,
at the nursery window,
carefully inspecting the activities of his new family member.
Another part of her, another part of him.
He will reassure her as time rages on
and the signs of his old age start to frighten her.
He will caress her hand with a passion
to which she has never felt
as he whispers his last wishes to her.
He will come to her heart for all her life
as she sees his manner in herself
or his features in her children.
He will live in the smiles
that grace her face as she remembers the things he did for her.


We might fight
But know this…
I love you
I’ll try to help you when you need it
I’ll try to help you get out of trouble
I’ll try to give you good advice
We might fight now
But we will get over it and then we’ll be there for each other
Just remember that
And remember this
I love you

*your older sis*

[be real, be true, be wild, be you]


